Privacy policy

General information The purpose of the Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as Privacy Policy) by Tiekimo projektai, UAB (hereinafter referred to as Data Controller and/or Company) is to determine the terms, conditions and principles of processing personal data collected during the use of the website ( managed by the Company. The terms and conditions determined in the Privacy Policy hereto shall apply each and every time a person attempts to access any content published and/or any service provided by the Company irrespective of what device (mobile phone, personal computer, tablet or other) is used by the person for the purposes mentioned above. Particulars of the Data Controller: Tiekimo projektai, UAB Legal entity Reg. No.: 302513392 Registered address: Palemono 1A, Kaunas, Lithuania. Phone: +370 37 330880 E-mail: Information on the Data Controller is collected and stored at the State Enterprise the Centre of Registers. All terms and concepts used in the Privacy Policy shall be interpreted in the same way they are mentioned in and defined by the General Data Protection Regulation No. 2016/679 (EU) (hereinafter referred to as GDPR). Please read and make yourself aware of the provisions of the Regulation! Every time visiting the website owned by the Data Controller you confirm your acceptance of the provisions of the Regulation. If you do not accept the provisions of the Regulation, please do not visit our websites and do not use the services provided by the Data Controller named in the websites. It is hereby confirmed that personal data of visitors of the websites of the Data Controller shall be collected following provisions of all applicable legal acts of the European Union and the Republic of Lithuania. The Data Controller has implemented all possible technical and administrative measures to protect the collected personal data of visitors of the websites from loss, unlawful and/or unauthorized use and changing. Employees of the Data Controller have signed written commitments not to disclose or distribute any information obtained at work and related to personal data to any third party. Considering available technologies, the Data Controller makes every reasonable endeavour to check whether a person giving his/her consent for data processing is 16 years of age or older. In the case of doubt regarding potential violation of Article 8 of the GDPR, the Data Controller reserves the right to refuse to provide services and information and delete personal data without separate personal request or consent. Whom the Data Controller is entitled to disclose information related to personal data to? The data Controller is entitled to disclose information related to personal data to the subjects listed below: • The companies providing services by request of the Company, for example, the companies engaged in post and messenger (courier) activities, the company hosting personal data, etc. Potential of such companies to use such information is limited: they cannot use information for the purposes other than provision of their services to the Data Controller; • Other parties, when there is legal requirement to do so. The Data Controller can disclose information related to personal data to third parties: • With the aim not to violate applicable laws or reacting to a compulsory requirement by an authority, including but not limited to any court; • With the aim to prove legality of activities and actions of the Company; • With the aim to protect the rights, legal interests and property of the Data Controller and to ensure security of the said; • In other cases, with consent or application by the personal data subject or his/her legal representative. On the basis of the available consent or request by the personal data subject, the Data Controller is entitled to transfer personal data to other data recipients, who have got the consent for personal data management for the purposes indicated in the consent. Actions of the Data Controller aimed to ensure protection of personal data The Data Controller has implemented reasonable and appropriate physical, organizational and technical measures to protect information collected for the purposes to provide a content/a service. However, the Data Controller reminds visitors of the websites that, irrespective of any appropriate action taken to protect personal data, none of the websites, online transactions, computer systems or wireless connections are absolutely safe. Rights of the personal data subject Any personal data subject, whose data is processed during any activity of the Data Controller, shall have the following rights: • To be aware of (informed about) processing of his/her personal data (right of information); • To learn what personal data is being processed and how (right of access); • To require rectification or, considering purposes of processing personal data, complementation of noncomprehensive personal data (right to rectification); • To require erasure of his/her personal data or stop processing (except of storage) of his/her personal data (right to erasure and right to be forgotten); • To request the Data Controller to restrict processing personal data on the basis of one of the legal reasons (right to restriction); • The right to portability of his/her personal data (right to portability); • The right to disagree with processing of his/her personal data or withdraw his/her consent for processing the personal data, for processing the personal data for one or several particular purposes without affecting legality of the consent-based processing of personal data before the withdrawal. The Data Controller shall not enable data subjects to implement their rights enumerated above in the legally provided cases of the necessity to guarantee prevention, investigation and identification of crimes or violations of official or professional ethics as well as protection of rights and freedoms of the data subjects or other persons. Cookies Cookies are used on the website. Information on the cookies used is given below:
Cookie title Cookie purpose Expiry term
cookie_notice_accepted The cookie to obtain consent for data. 1 month
_utmc The cookie is saved as soon as the website page is first opened in the browser. It is used to identify unique users of the website and is updated opening each and every new page. During the session During the session
_utma The cookie is saved as soon as the website page is first opened in the browser. It is used to identify unique users of the website and is updated opening each and every new page. 2 years
_utmb The cookie is saved as soon as the website page is first opened in the browser. It is used to identify unique users of the website and is updated opening each and every new page. Until the browser is active
_utmz The cookie is saved as soon as the website page is first opened in the browser. It is used to identify unique users of the website and is updated opening each and every new page. 6 months
_utmt The cookie is saved as soon as the website page is first opened in the browser. It is used to identify unique users of the website and is updated opening each and every new page. Until the browser is active
wp-settings-1 The cookie used for personalization of the website structure based on the user. 1 year
pll_language The required cookie used to memorize language. 1 year
nf_wp_session The cookie to enable the session. 1 day
wp-settings-time The cookie used for personalization of the website structure based on the user. 1 year
__Secure-3PSID The cookie to show personalized Google advertisements to the user. 2 years
__Secure-3PSIDCC The cookie to show personalized Google advertisements to the user. 1 year
__Secure-3PAPISID The cookie to show personalized Google advertisements to the user. 2 years
SIDCC The Google Analytics cookie to protect user data from illegal access. 1 year
SID The cookie used for the purposes of Google advertisements. 2 years
SSID The cookie to protect user data from illegal information; also, can be used for the purposes of advertising. 2 years
SAPISID The cookie to ensure functional integrity of the website. 2 years
APISID The Google Analytics cookie to enable the session. 2 years
HSID The Google Analytics cookie to enable the session. 2 years
DV The Google Analytics cookie to control the request rate. Until the browser is closed
1P_JAR The Google Analytics cookie to enable the session. 1 month
ANID The cookie used for the purposes of Google advertisements. 7 months
SEARCH_SAMESITE The cookie to show personalized Google advertisements to the user. 3 months
NID The Google Analytics cookie to enable the session. 6 months
OTZ The Google Analytics cookie to deliver general analysis of website users. 21 day
CONSENT The cookie to obtain consent for data. 17 years
Lodging complaints Please be informed that any data subject shall be entitled to lodge complaints concerning violations of personal data processing rights with the State Data Protection Inspectorate. Final provisions The Privacy Policy shall be revised minimum once in two years. As soon as the Privacy Policy is updated, information on the changes made shall be given on the website of the Data Controller. Please be informed that any sign-in and use of the content and/or services on the websites after the update notice shall mean the user accepts the new requirements laid out in the update. Latest version of the Privacy Policy shall always be available on the website .
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